Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The start of the blog

Trying to start a blog.  Thought it might be cool for other crazy fibro people, or just crazy people in general, to share.  My life exists around my family (husband, 4 kids, and 1 pug plus extended family) and work and the fibro and chronic fatigue and depression and anxiety, etc....  It's always something.  And always something going on at home.  How could it not be with a husband, 4 kids, and a pug?  Hmmm...... not possible.  Not the best writer in the world, but better at writing than I am at talking.  I am an only child.  The lonely only, which is why I am glad to have 4 children.  Three boys and 1 girl.  Fibro has been a part of my life for a long time.  I had mono as a teenager and never felt the same after that.  Never had my energy back.  Now I'm working crazy hours and I feel crazy anyway, and I just had my birthday, which of course never makes you feel young, but I'm glad to have made it another year.  I hope to post about my daily struggles, my life, and hopefully some information about fibro from websites or things I find on my own about living with fibromyalgia, depression, chronic fatigue, and maybe other things.  Just comment if you want to talk about something.  Just make things PG please.  This entry is short and sweet, sort of lack luster, but hopefully I can start this and it be a way to 1) make me feel better 2) help someone who feels as crazy as I do and 3) why not - lol.  Hope everyone is doing well.  ((((hugs))))

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